IELTS WRITING TASK 2 – Overreliance on private cars causes harm to the environment

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Overreliance on private cars causes harm to the environment, and therefore it is necessary to encourage people to use public transport instead.

How our overreliance on cars can harm the environment?
How can people be encouraged to use public transport?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer
Increasing pollution in cities is largely due to the rapid growth of private car usage. To address declining air quality and combat global warming, promoting a shift away from private cars and towards public transport is crucial. This essay will discuss the negative environmental impacts of car dependency and explore strategies to encourage public transport usage.

Our growing reliance on cars has severe consequences for the environment, contributing significantly to air pollution and worsening climate change. Exhaust emissions release harmful pollutants like nitrogen oxides and particulate matter into the atmosphere, degrading air quality and posing health risks, especially in densely populated urban areas. For example, a recent study found that in cities where a significant portion of the population depends on cars for daily commuting, air pollutant levels surpassed recommended limits, leading to respiratory issues and environmental degradation. Excessive car usage also contributes to global warming through increased carbon emissions, impacting ecosystems and weather patterns.

To promote public transport usage, cities must prioritize developing and improving transport infrastructure. This includes expanding and upgrading existing public transport networks such as buses, trams, and trains to offer a more efficient service. Investments should focus on measures like increasing the number and frequency of public transport routes, improving connectivity between different modes of transport, and ensuring accessibility for individuals with disabilities. Cities like Singapore and Hong Kong serve as successful examples with well-integrated public transport systems that have led to reduced traffic congestion and increased public transport usage. Governments can further encourage public transport by introducing incentives like discounted fares and tax benefits for frequent users while discouraging private car use through disincentives.

In conclusion, addressing air pollution and environmental challenges in cities requires a shift towards increased public transport usage. This can be achieved through robust infrastructure development, enhanced accessibility, and effective incentives promoting public transport over private cars.

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