20 BEST VOCABULARY WORDS STARTING WITH “C” With Meaning in Punjabi and synonyms.
Calm (ਸ਼ਾਂਤ) – quiet, tranquil
Careful (ਸਾਵਧਾਨ)– cautious, prudent
Change (ਤਬਦੀਲੀ)– convert
Chilly (ਠੰਢ)– cool, icy, Cold
Chubby (ਗੋਲ-ਮਟੋਲ)– plump, pudgy
Clarify (ਸਪੱਸ਼ਟ ਕਰੋ) – explain, simplify
Close (ਬੰਦ, ਨੇੜਲਾ)– near, imminent
Coarse (ਖੁਰਦਰਾ)– bumpy, rough
Comical ( ਹਾਸੋਹੀਣਾ)– amusing, funny
Complex (ਗੁੰਝਲਦਾਰ)– complicated
Confine (ਸੀਮਤ)– Limit, bound, enclose
Conflict (ਕਲੇਸ਼) – fight, battle, struggle
Conform (ਮੁਤਾਬਕ) – comply, submit
Connect (ਜੁੜੋ)– join, link, attach
Courage (ਹਿੰਮਤ) – bravery, valor
Courteous (ਸਲੀਕੇ ਦਾਰ )– polite, civil
Cranky (ਚਿੜਚਿੜਾ, ਸਨਕੀ) – cross, irritable
Crazy (ਪਾਗਲ )– insane, daft, mad
Crazily (ਪਾਗਲਪਨ ਨਾਲ)– frantically
Cruel (ਜ਼ਾਲਮ)– mean, heartless